3. A son, a brother. I am the oldest child of a single mother with three children by three different fathers. The fifth of my father's eight children (that he knew of / admitted to) by six different women. My brother, sister,and I (mother's children) grew up together, and have a lifetime's worth of stories, memories (mostly good ones), and shared experiences. We remain close and would do anything (legal, lol) for each other. On the other hand, I only met my (living) brothers and sisters from my father's side five years ago, when I was already in my mid-40s (one brother had passed away as a teen). The oldest of my father's children is, by age and personality, the ringleader of the bunch, and he makes it a point to keep in touch with me and keep me in the fold. The rest I see at funerals or parties (although I do occasionally talk to one of my sisters-in-law). I'm sure I will have an additional post or three on this topic.
4. A friend. I've never experienced, nor do I fully understand, the kind of bonds some friends have with other, that seems to supercede everyone and everything thing else, family and significant others included. Can't say I ever want to be that close to someone I'm not related to or in a serious romantic relation ship with. But even though I don't have any friendships quite on that (bordering on insanity) level, I do have many friends, buddies, acquaintances, and associates. I would say I'm loyal to the closest of them, and a good, reliable, fun, chill guy with the rest. My natural quiet nature allows for them to have someone to talk with minimal interruptions and a good memory of the details of what they had to say; my (mostly) harmless brand of sarcasm keeps them amused and/or on their toes; and a rep as a brainiac, and, yes, a "renaissance man" (even if none of them ever specifically use that term around or in reference to me, that I know of) usually leads to my inclusion in all manner of spirited debates and discussions, not to mention my being kind of a "go to guy" for information of various sorts. And once I know what and where the skeletons in your closet are, the details will not be spread all over Baltimore...
5. A lover. Contrary to my fantasies, I don't have a different woman - or ANY woman - in my bed every night (I guess that why they're fantasies). And my introverted personality and lack of nerve in approaching women has undoubtedly cost me many opportunities for love/romance/sex...But I haven't exactly been
So I guess the question, then, is, am I a good lover? Who knows? I guess it's not really up for me to say, and I was always afraid to ask...all I can say is:
* I've never had a woman laugh at me - not in my face, anyway (well, there was that one REALLY ticklish girl whose hot spots all turned her own and made her giggle all at the same time when touched...so she wasn't really laughing at me, and even if she was, she wasn't laughing in my face - well, because my face was usually in other "locations").
*I've never had a woman cuss me out over sex (well, there was this one chick whose outfit did such a good job of hiding that human shar-pei meets the Michelin Man body that the unrestrained "EWWWWWW" face did not go unnoticed, and got me cussed out for not appreciating her "beauty" and "sexiness"...ugh, yeah, OK, can I go now?
* I've never had a woman kick me out of bed (well, there was that one woman who emitted a rather overpowering "scent" upon removing her panties...being Mr. Nice Guy, I couldn't come out and tell her about herself, so we did this dance of her trying to get this going and me beating around the bush (not HER bush) until finally I had to man up and let know what the problem was. So, yeah, I got thrown out, but hey, her "aroma" was not my fault...
So what does all of that say about me as a lover? Hell if I know...like everyone else, I've had my share of mis-adventures, but overall I'd say the quality of my love life has been pretty good (the QUANTITY, on the other hand, could stand some improvement). I'm going to go with the assumption that I hold my end of things up all right...I'll keep believing that until someone tells me otherwise. Of course, it would help to actually engage in some lover-type encounters a little more frequently that my current pace....Ladies, any volunteers?
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